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Jigsaw Members

Become a Member


Everyone is welcome at Jigsaw activities and events. They are especially for people with a learning disability who live in Sandwell and Dudley and don’t get many opportunities due to lack of support and low income.

If you are interested in joining us or finding out about the next events then please sign up to the mailing list on this website.

Would you like to join Jigsaw?


People who come on the activities without their own family or staff support need to complete a Jigsaw information form about how they like to be supported.


There are no costs for being a member of Jigsaw, but people who don’t have an email address and need to have information about the events and booking forms posted to them are asked to provide a supply of stamped addressed envelopes.

Jigsaw increases community inclusion by offering social opportunities for people with a learning disability living in Sandwell and Dudley and enables them to see their existing friends and make new ones.


For more information on the Jigsaw activities please email: or call 07543 194 887

How we manage your personal details:


  • We will keep the information form about you in our office and on  our database on the office computer. Only people who work for Jigsaw will see it

  • We keep this information to let you know about Jigsaw events, and share it with the leaders of Jigsaw activities so they can keep you safe and supported

  • We will always keep your information safe and secure

  • We will only pass on information about any vulnerable person who takes part in Jigsaw events who we believe is either being harmed or at risk of being harmed to the relevant authorities e.g. the police or local authority adult services, in accordance with our safeguarding policy, or as required by law

  • If you ever want your information removed then please let us know and we will delete all your records


Please see the full privacy statement here >


Join Jigsaw here ..


You can apply to join as a member by filling in the membership form and sending it back to us.

We will get back to you as soon as possible after receiving your completed application form.

Thank You!

Your Ideas ..


Please let us know your ideas for other trips and activities you would like.



Call: 07543 194 887

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