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Covid-19 vaccination support for people with a learning disability

Updated: Aug 9, 2021

Jigsaw Events is a small charity that provides a range of support to people with a learning disability in Sandwell.

We are working with Sandwell Council to support the vaccine roll-out to people with a learning disability in the borough. We will have a particular focus on the group of people who are not eligible for formal support and have limited family and peer support.

We can help people with a learning disability who are referred to us in the following ways:

  • booking an appointment

  • sending a letter to remind them when and where their appointments are

  • making sure their GP practice knows they have a learning disability

  • talking to them about Covid-19 or the vaccines if they have any concerns

  • helping them to work out a travel plan to get to the vaccination centre

  • reminding them on the day

  • giving easy read information about the vaccine

  • talking to them afterwards to see how they got on

In addition we will:

  • ensure all people with a learning disability are registered with a GP, and that their records note they have a learning disability

  • accept referrals from Healthy Sandwell and other partner agencies

  • make referrals to Healthy Sandwell and other partners in order to provide additional support and resolve any issues the residents might be experiencing

  • share our learning about the barriers and solutions in working with this hard-to-reach group

  • develop joined-up approaches with public health to improve the health and well-being of residents with a learning disability

The project will be running until the end of October 2021.

Please can you advise colleagues of this support we can offer, and share the easy read flier (Click Here) as appropriate.

To refer people, please contact us on 07543 194887 or email

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